Governor inslee press conference schedule
Governor inslee press conference schedule

governor inslee press conference schedule
  1. #Governor inslee press conference schedule update#
  2. #Governor inslee press conference schedule trial#
  3. #Governor inslee press conference schedule series#
governor inslee press conference schedule

He did man­age to pre­vail over Demo­c­ra­t­ic chal­lengers Dar­cy Burn­er and Suzan Del­Bene to secure reelec­tion in 2006, 2008, and 2010, after which point Democ­rats basi­cal­ly gave up on try­ing to unseat him. Reichert, who appeared vis­i­bly uncom­fort­able through­out that event, nev­er held anoth­er in-per­son town hall dur­ing the rest of his time in Congress. We report­ed on the event here on the Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate the post is still avail­able from our archives. He won the Repub­li­can nom­i­na­tion for Con­gress in 2004, defeat­ed Demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­nent Dave Ross in the gen­er­al elec­tion, and took over for long­time rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jen­nifer Dunn in Jan­u­ary 2005.Ī few weeks lat­er, Reichert held a “town hall” in Belle­vue, which fea­tured rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the Wash­ing­ton Pol­i­cy Cen­ter and the Bush admin­is­tra­tion try­ing to sell the pri­va­ti­za­tion of Social Secu­ri­ty to East­side vot­ers. He served sev­er­al terms in Con­gress rep­re­sent­ing the 8th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict. Reichert, sev­en­ty-two, was the King Coun­ty Sher­iff for many years before seek­ing high­er office. That sug­gests an announce­ment is immi­nent. But our team has noticed that an increas­ing num­ber of Repub­li­can leg­is­la­tors and oth­er promi­nent local Repub­li­can elect­ed offi­cials are pub­licly stat­ing on Twit­ter that they’ve had great con­ver­sa­tions with Reichert and will glad­ly be sup­port­ing him if he runs for gov­er­nor, which seem to be part of a coor­di­nat­ed ramp-up for Reichert. We don’t pub­lish much in the way of rumors, spec­u­la­tion, or gos­sip here on The Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate - it’s just not our thing. But for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia and death.For­mer Unit­ed States Rep­re­sen­ta­tive and King Coun­ty Sher­iff Dave Reichert, a Repub­li­can, appears to be on the verge of join­ing the increas­ing­ly crowd­ed field of can­di­dates run­ning for Gov­er­nor of Wash­ing­ton State next year, if recent state­ments from Repub­li­can state leg­is­la­tors are any indication. The nation has now recorded 240,000 virus-related deaths and 10.3 million confirmed infections.įor most, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks, although long-term effects are unknown. are running at all-time highs of well over 120,000 per day, with cases rising in 49 states, and deaths increasing in 39. As of this week, more than 120,000 cases have been confirmed statewide and there have been 2,482 deaths. The state set a record for new coronavirus cases on Saturday, with 1,777 new cases announced. Officials warned that if the trajectory did not change, additional action would have be taken to try and slow the spread. She and others also expressed concern about a potential surge in hospitalizations that would put a strain on hospitals. She said cases are rising among all age groups, indicating that transmission is widespread. On Tuesday, state health officer Kathy Lofy, joined by state and county health officials, said cases have been steadily increasing since September, but that the most dramatic increases have occurred over the past two weeks. Nursing students at Olympic College are joining the effort How you can make the most of a virtual visit with your doctor.

#Governor inslee press conference schedule trial#

Kitsap Superior Court finishes first felony trial during pandemic.

governor inslee press conference schedule

Inslee's remarks come just two days after state and county health officials warned of a spike in coronavirus cases across the state, and pleaded with the public to take the pandemic more seriously heading into the winter holidays. All of the state's 39 counties are currently paused in either the second or third phase of a four-stage reopening plan that began in early May to start lifting restrictions on businesses and other activities. The state was under a stay-at-home order from March 23 until the end of May.

#Governor inslee press conference schedule series#

While the governor has held regular press conferences to discuss ongoing efforts against the coronavirus, the last statewide televised address Inslee gave was in April, when he updated the public on stay-at-home restrictions and warned that a return to public life would take a series of steps. on local television stations and websites. The Inslees' address will be carried live at 5:30 p.m.

#Governor inslee press conference schedule update#

Jay Inslee and his wife, Trudi, will give a statewide televised update Thursday evening on COVID-19, which health officials have warned is accelerating rapidly throughout the state.

Governor inslee press conference schedule